Aquatennial Volunteer Program

The Aquatennial continues to thrive thanks to the hundreds of individuals that help out through the Aquatennial Volunteer Program. You can be part of all the fun! Don’t miss out on being part of the Aquatennial Volunteer Program. We invite you to sign-up to be a volunteer for the 2024 Aquatennial on July 24-27, 2024.

Click Here to sign for the 2024 Aquatennial Volunteer Program.

Volunteer opportunities include taking part in events like the Aquatennial Torchlight Parade, Target Fireworks and more.

The volunteer program offers a chance for individuals or corporate groups to have fun while giving back to your community during Minneapolis’ Official Civic Celebration. Perks include access to the partner viewing area at the Target Fireworks, a t-shirt and more.

The sooner you sign up the more times and locations will be available for your team. For more information, email